Jer Langhans

Jeremy Langhans

My name is Jer. I specialize in attracting the best talent.Over the past fifteen years I’ve placed candidates in a range of positions spanning a host of industries. Most recently, I led global digital marketing for the HR departments of large companies. My efforts ultimately enabled them to outpace their competitors. My passion is humanizing the recruiting experience. In this digital age, applying for a job consists almost entirely of interacting with a computer. I help candidates jump through the digital hoops. I’m convinced the primary cause of our struggling economy is bad recruiting practices: recruiters are failing to match candidates’ skill sets with businesses’ needs!I don’t think the other cast members will react well to the truth coming from my lips. I will outperform them all…we already know this…but only because my priorities are aligned. Put people first…then align their skills to the needs of the business…then leverage a large, engaged network. My recruiting kung-fu will blow your mind, kids.

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