
HRU is the fastest growing global community of HR professionals, recruiters and HR tech vendors with 50 000+ followers in 40 countries over 6 continents. Our members are global MNCs & local forward thinking companies, HR Directors, Talent Acquisition Managers, Consultants, Recruiters, Bloggers, Techies and other globally-minded professionals, who are dedicated to continuous self-improvement and free exchange of ideas.

Demonstrate your company’s commitment to the trending HR issues and become a Corporate or Individual Member of #HRU. Corporate memberships are crucial to our ability to organise best-in-class industry events and connect HR professionals in every corner of the World. In return we offer a unique set of benefits that will boost your company’s proficiency in what is called HR of tomorrow.


  • Access to all GlobalHRU events globally;
  • Global member promo-code for 20% discount (for extra tickets for colleagues, clients and partners);
  • Access to online community (to be launched early 2015);
  • Unique content from the events;
  • Webinars from different regions;
  • Unique content from other members;
  • Platform to reach like minded people globally.